Boost Earnings and Minimize Waste with StixFresh™

Boost Earnings and Minimize Waste with StixFresh™

Pilot programs available. Connect with a berry longevity advisor today.

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Do your berries look like this?

With StixFresh™, they can look like this.

Do your berries look like this?
With StixFresh™, they can look like this.

Can a tiny sticker solve the global food crisis?

StixFresh™ is an innovative solution designed to extend shelf life, enhancing profitability while reducing waste.


How does StixFresh™ work?

StixFresh™ slows down the natural process of fruit spoilage, which is often accelerated by changes in temperature and humidity.

User-friendly technology that can be applied directly at the time of packing.

It is scalable and adaptable, making it suitable for use by both smallholder farmers and the largest distributors. StixFresh uses a food-grade, bioactive volatile formulation applied to the surface of a sticker. The technology behind StixFresh mimics the natural defense mechanisms of plants, which release volatile compounds to protect themselves.

Ryp Labs’ solution works in the vapor phase, meaning it does not need to come into direct contact with produce. It extends the freshness of fruit that suffer from early spoilage due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

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Enhance Your Knowledge of StixFresh’s Innovative Technology

Discover Ryp Labs: The story of our vision and mission to end food waste

									eye-1												Vision and mission brochure

Request the data: Gain comprehensive knowledge about how StixFresh™ works

									download (1)												I want the StixFresh™ brochure

StixFresh™ is a sustainable packaging solution that extends the shelf life of berries by delaying premature spoilage and increasing the sellable window by up to four days.

									download (1)												I want the company brochure

Ask about our Blueberry Pilot Program



Ask about our Blueberry Pilot Program

  • Discover how much waste reduction could be achieved.
  • Define weak spots in your harvest that could extend shelf life.
  • Decide what next steps make sense for your business.
  • Determine how many extra days your fruit could last.
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Simple. Scalable.

That's some sweet science.

Producers and distributors can add our products to their supply chain with minimal disruption to extend the freshness of their produce.

fruit and vegetable stall in the market

Ask about our Raspberry Pilot Program



Ask about our Raspberry Pilot Program

  • Discover how much waste reduction could be achieved.
  • Define weak spots in your harvest that could extend shelf life.
  • Decide what next steps make sense for your business.
  • Determine how many extra days your fruit could last.
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Every berry saved means more profit for you.

Simply adhere StixFresh™ inside any clamshell lid during packing. Close the lid and let StixFresh™ protect your berries.

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Ask about our Blackberry Pilot Program

  • Discover how much waste reduction could be achieved.
  • Define weak spots in your harvest that could extend shelf life.
  • Decide what next steps make sense for your business.
  • Determine how many extra days your fruit could last.

Connect With Our Berry Longevity Advisors

Questions or connect about our pilot program for Growers, Distributors, and Retailers.


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